Lynden, Hamilton, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 90% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home and the remainder are renters. In this neighbourhood, almost all buildings are single detached homes, and the rest of the properties are mainly townhouses. A majority of the housing growth in this part of the city took place before the 1960s. This neighbourhood offers mainly four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about Lynden real estate
The preferred approach to get around in Lynden is usually driving. It is very easy to park. Many of the houses for sale in this part of the city are located in areas that are not very well-suited for walking since running daily errands is very difficult. The bike is a fairly poor mode of transportation in Lynden because the topography is not especially flat, and the bicycling network is not very extensive.
Lynden does not have any high schools or primary schools. Furthermore, families may consider it very difficult for their children to access daycares as a pedestrian. With respect to food, it is very rarely possible for home buyers in Lynden to travel to the closest grocery store on foot.
Lynden is reasonably good for those who prefer quiet areas, as there tend to be low levels of noise from traffic. Public green spaces aren't well-located, making it very difficult to reach them. Still, there are a few parks nearby for residents to relax in.