Semi-Detached for Sale in Brampton, ON
Semi-detached Homes for sale in Brampton have an average price of $955,724 on MLS®. In Brampton, most buildings are single detached homes, with the remainder being large apartment buildings and townhouses. This city mainly features three-bedroom and four-bedroom homes. About 80% of the units in the city are occupied by homeowners, while the rest are rented. Brampton’s housing is quite modern, with approximately 45% of its dwellings constructed after the year 2000. The majority of the other residences date back to the 1960s and 1980s. Semi-detached homes make up 1.79% of the listings.
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- $1,249,99913 Banner Elk StreetBrampton, ON
- $989,90037 Jellicoe CrescentBrampton, ON
- $799,90017 Newlyn CrescentBrampton, ON
- $799,80071 Gulliver CrescentBrampton, ON
- $799,0006 Silver Egret RoadBrampton, ON
- $1,099,000209 Checkerberry CrescentBrampton, ON
- $1,049,00069 Clearfield DriveBrampton, ON
- $929,000133 Earnscliffe CircleBrampton, ON
- $899,00094 Saintsbury CrescentBrampton, ON
- $799,900103 Griselda CrescentBrampton, ON
- $799,00083 Bushmill CircleBrampton, ON
- $799,00062 Bramhall CircleBrampton, ON
- $799,00031 Luella CrescentBrampton, ON
- $1,079,99911 Truffle CourtBrampton, ON
- $949,900180 Tiller TrailBrampton, ON
- $929,900295 Brussels AveBrampton, ON
- $1,099,99988 Templehill RoadBrampton, ON
- $1,069,00017 Prudhomme DriveBrampton, ON
- $989,0006 Clunburry RoadBrampton, ON